I Am Job by Dr Effiong E Ibok
A heart-touching novel that brings a gleaming light of life, so readers could realize that there is hope no matter how hard their struggles in life may seem.
This book deals with the age-old question of why the righteous suffer. The central theme is not finding an intellectual answer to the question but assisting the sufferer survive the experience.”
— Dr. Effiong Ibok
SUNNYVALE, CA, UNITED STATES, July 6, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — “I Am Job”: an inspiring tome that is filled with the life-changing experience of a God-fearing man who victoriously won his battles in life because of his faith. “I Am Job” is the creation of published author Effiong Ibok, an author who has a doctor’s degree in engineering and has published three books. He is also actively involved in Evangelical Crusade Ministries.
Ibok shares, “This book deals with the age-old question of why the righteous suffer. The central theme is not finding an intellectual answer to the question but assisting the sufferer survived the experience. It is my opinion that during the experi¬ence, knowing why one suffers even if it were possible to do more than speculate, in no way helps alleviate the pain. What the book concentrates upon is how the person can sur¬vive the experience with as little damage to his faith as possible. The form adopted is that of a collection of stories of God-fearing men under trial, recited in first-person narratives. The emphasis is on the way they handled their problems and how they got out of them. Some of the stories are based on real-life experiences. The first is an adaptation of the book of Job. It is written as a narration by Job, reflecting on his trial many years after the experience. The second is based on the experiences of a Nebraskan farmer upon the loss of his farm. His endurance and recovery are treated. The third is that of a Christian Jew. It details his emotional and material trials after his conversion. Although he was beset by doubts and uncertainties in this rather unique situation, he survived with his faith intact. The story treats how each handled his misfortune and how each made decisions they had to under stress and how they survived with their faith intact. In conclusion, the predominant purpose is surviving a trial. In suffering, not to ask God ‘why?’, but to ask Him ‘how?’, and to trust Him. We should concentrate on praying for the strength to endure that which has befallen us and to come through it stronger than we were before.”
Marketed by BOOK VINE PRESS, Ibok’s new book is a compelling narrative of a man’s awe-inspiring journey that aims to restore the faith of those who are about to lose hope and give up.
This book challenges the readers to never be afraid no matter how hard and big their struggle may be. The author wants the readers to believe that they are strong enough to win over the challenges in their lives.
BOOK VINE PRESS is a Chicago-based hybrid publishing and marketing company. BVP was created by an author, for authors. With a combined 18 years of publishing and marketing experience, BVP provides authors the most affordable and competitive book publishing and marketing related services with 100% continuous support. Its mission is to provide authors the most cost-effective quality service while correcting some of the major drawbacks that most self-publishing companies have, i.e. high retail pricing and printing cost, poor editing and expensive but ineffective marketing strategies.
Dr Effiong E Ibok
Book Vine Press
+1 408-329-3212
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July 06, 2021, 16:51 GMT
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