A member of the community crying before receiving counselling
A volunteer Minister, Chloe Cardoso providing counselling to a flood survivor.
Survivors of the recent deadly floods in KwaZulu- Natal recovered hope after receiving psychosocial spiritual counseling from Scientology Volunteer Ministers
I have been feeling so different after that Assist. I have been running around with a smile on my face ever since. I gained newfound courage and I am so grateful for what you have done for me.”
— Search and Rescue Officer
MOLWENI, KWAZULU-NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA, July 13, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Recently, survivors of the recent deadly floods in Molweni, KwaZulu- Natal recovered hope in their lives after receiving psychosocial spiritual counseling from Scientology Volunteer Ministers. Traumatized by the deadly flood, they received counseling and then taught how to deliver it to others. In no time, they stood up and were ready to help others through this traumatic period.
The floods left more than 400 deaths and 40 000 people homeless in the Durban coast area and the surrounding KwaZulu-Natal province. The impact of the floods was also deeply felt by the grief-stricken Molweni community as they watched their houses and loved ones being swept away by the floods.
A national NPO, Scientology volunteer ministers traveled from their headquarters in Gauteng to provide immediate relief after the devastating floods. Upon arriving in KZN, they set up teams to assist in Search and Rescue operations, donated food parcels, and blankets organized major clean-ups, and provided psychosocial spiritual counseling to the survivors of the flood.
“When I first arrived in Molweni, I immediately noticed that people were in a catatonic state. They couldn’t talk or move. It was as if they were staring into the beyond. These people suffered major losses which can affect their mental and spiritual health greatly. It was at this moment that I knew I had to lend a hand with counseling,” said Kim Lavender, a Scientology Volunteer Minister in KwaZulu Natal.
A whole team was assembled and they spent several days in Molweni delivering free sessions and also training the community members in these techniques officially known as “Assists” authored by acclaimed Humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard.
During the first session, a lady in the community said, “I am not okay. I watched my home get washed away with my son. He is still missing. Every time I close my eyes I see it happening again and again. I am stuck there.” An “assist” was immediately given to her for a while and suddenly she began to brighten up, leaning forward in her chair and being interested in the environment.
“I feel okay. I am doing much better. At this moment I feel happy.” She reached to the back of her head and added, “I don’t know what has happened but I am different.” She was then trained on how to deliver an “assist”. “I can do this! I know how to help someone else. I have people who need my help, we can get through this together,” she concluded.
“It was a life-changing experience for me, seeing someone go from complete apathy to courageous and willing to help and confront the situation in a matter of minutes is incredible,” commented Ms. Lavender.
One family member, Khanyisile, had lost her 5-year-old daughter and was completely overwhelmed by grief. She received a “Locational Assist” and after a while, she started to open up about the incident. She expressed her thanks profusely and was very grateful for the help.
This social service was also extended to other groups on the ground to help them with the trauma. A Search and Rescue Officer who received this counseling after losing his colleague a couple of days ago approached one of the Scientology Volunteers and said, “I have been feeling so different after that assist. I have been running around with a smile on my face ever since. I gained newfound courage and I am so grateful for what you have done for me.”
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers affirmed that they will be in the area and provide their services to the community and others for as long as necessary.
Sandile Hlayisi
Church of Scientology South Africa
+27 61 907 9325
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July 13, 2022, 08:00 GMT
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