Zimbabwean is Nominated for UPG’s Journey to Hurricane Island, USA

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Zimbabwean is Nominated for UPG’s Journey to Hurricane Island, USA

#UPGSustainability #JourneyToHurricane

#UPGSustainability #JourneyToHurricane

Tinomuda Daphne Gora - Vote for UPGSustainability Leader

Tinomuda Daphne Gora – Vote for UPGSustainability Leader

Grand Prize for Voters in the #JourneyToHurricane Campaign

Grand Prize for Voters in the #JourneyToHurricane Campaign

A Zimbabwean is among 18 people competing for 6 places in UPG Sustainability Leadership training on Hurricane Island. https://upglive.org/journeytohurricane.

Our sister from Zimbabwe is an ambassador for positive citizen leadership. Please support her and please vote to bring her this special opportunity.”

— Yemi Babington-Ashaye. President, United People Global

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, July 27, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — A Zimbabwean is among 18 people competing for 6 places in UPG Sustainability Leadership training on Hurricane Island. Voting is open until Friday, 30 July 2021: https://upglive.org/journeytohurricane. Voters also stand to gain by winning prizes that include cash and grand prizes. The winners are announced at a special event on 1 August 2021. To RSVP please visit: https://upglive.org/2021Delegation-rsvp.

Meet the UPG Sustainability Leader from Zimbabwe who is participating:

Tinomuda Daphne Gora (Zimbabwe): My name is Tinomuda and I am a UPG Sustainability Leader from Zimbabwe. I am a Masters student studying Governance and Regional Integration at the Pan African University. I am a leader and an advocate for women empowerment, with emphasis on girls’ education. I am guided by SDG 6 which is clean water and sanitation to all. Vote Tinomuda: https://upglive.org/vote-tinomuda

“Our sister from Zimbabwe is an ambassador for positive citizen leadership. Please support her and please vote to bring her this special opportunity.” said Yemi Babington-Ashaye, President at United People Global.

From March to May 2021, 526 UPG Sustainability Leaders from 101 countries were trained and certified as part of the Class of 2021 of UPG Sustainability Leadership. They completed an intensive 9-week training to become ambassadors for positive citizen leadership on sustainability. They are now active and leading local projects in their communities. Since May 2021 they have directly trained over 7,000 citizens across all world regions (and counting) on how to make the world better through positive action and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Now a select group will be chosen for an additional, in-person training on Hurricane Island in the USA. This training is a fully-funded experience that is designed to strengthen each leader for the work that they are doing in their communities. And so this week people from around the world are currently voting to select which of the 18 UPG Sustainability Leaders will be among the 6 that are chosen. And voting is open until Friday, 30 July 2021. All those who vote stand to win prizes that include: cash, a new laptop and also one of seven Golden Tickets to be part of the UPG Sustainability Leadership Class of 2022.

“The Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership is incredibly proud to partner with United People Global. We are eager to bring 60 of these sustainability leaders to Hurricane Island to further their development and to build a rich network of leaders who learn from and depend on each other,” said Bo Hoppin, Executive Director at the Hurricane Island Center for Leadership and Science.

UPG Sustainability Leadership is the world’s largest and most comprehensive sustainability leadership training for young adults. It is a free programme that mobilises people and organisations to support positive citizen leadership on sustainability. And this is possible thanks to the support of UPG’s partners and collaborators, especially the author and philanthropist, Rosamund Zander. More information about UPG Sustainability Leadership can be found here https://upglive.org/UPGSustainability.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been part of the planning process at every step. And very strict measures are in place to ensure the safe travel and stay on Hurricane Island as well as the safety of everyone directly or indirectly involved. These measures include vaccination and testing requirements at key moments throughout this period. These safety and hygiene measures are constantly under review as the pandemic continues to evolve – and the guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation, the Center for Disease Control in the USA, as well as the local requirements in the US State of Maine are constantly monitored and respected.

The 18 UPG Sustainability Leaders come from the following countries – from Latin America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Haiti. From Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe. From South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Those interested can learn more about these 18 young leaders and can also vote by visiting: https://upglive.org/journeytohurricane. The winners will be announced on 1 August 2021 at a special event. To RSVP please visit: https://upglive.org/2021Delegation-rsvp.

“UPG Sustainability Leadership brings the best opportunities to young leaders engaged with UPG. At Hurricane Island, young leaders will get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain more knowledge and experience that they will bring back to their communities,” said Rodrigo Nunes, Programme Manager, United People Global. He is also a UPG Sustainability Leader from Brazil, from the Class of 2019.

Those interested in learning more about UPG Sustainability Leadership may visit: https://upglive.org/UPGSustainability.

Note to Editors
1. Vote for your preferred UPG Sustainability Leaders: https://upglive.org/journeytohurricane
2. Watch a video about the Journey To Hurricane: https://upglive.org/journey2021-campaign
3. Learn about #UPGSustainability Leadership: https://upglive.org/UPGSustainability
4. Watch an introduction to #UPGSustainability: https://upglive.org/upgsustainability-introvideo
5. To partner or collaborate with UPG Sustainability Leadership, please contact UPG
6. More about United People Global https://unitedpeople.global/about-us
7. Join UPG: https://unitedpeople.global/join
8. Join UPG’s Media Community: https://unitedpeople.global/nominations/journalists-nomination
9. Follow UPG on most social media: @unitedpeopleglobal or on Twitter: @unitedpeople36
10. Social Media Hashtags: #UPGSustainability and #JourneyToHurricane

About United People Global: UPG is a community that encourages and enables people to make the world better place. UPG believes that all people have the power and the responsibility to participate in making the world a better place. The work of this global community is facilitated by United People Global Foundation, an independent not-for-profit organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland. UPG is not a political or religious organisation.

Ana Zoria
United People Global
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#UPGSustainability – #JourneyToHurricane Campaign

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July 27, 2021, 17:56 GMT

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